dream. design. deliver

Budget, Purchase & Spend Management

BUDGET PLANNING:  For the approved projects, and against the planned rooms, ceiling, walls, floor finishes and selected furniture etc – we generate a detailed target budget.  Before the project begins you can have a fair sense of how much you are likely to spend, and on what?  At this stage you can easily review and modify the Brand, Quality, and Quantity assumptions, and also shift the budget allocation from one to another more important category (line item). 

SPEND TRACKING:  One of the key pain points for all clients is to track on what they are spending, how much, which payments got done, which are due, and when?   It requires dedicated attention to record these details and present it in a meaningful way.  You can assign one of your team members to do it.  We also do it well!

Sample of details we get into (dummy data)
Sample of details we get into (dummy data)

PURCHASING:  By picking the right vendors, products, and specifications – you can optimize your project costs.  This is only possible if you can objectively compare the offerings, then negotiate various contract terms before finalizing the vendors.  We bring years of experience in organizing which questions to ask, their formats, and to whom to ask them…so that when the information is collected it can be easily compared.  We would be happy to showcase this ability of ours and how it might create value for you.